Second Day of The New Years Resolution

by Jenn,
published on

The feel of today was weird. Nothing too out of the ordinary. Feeling uneasy. Maybe due to the storm but the pit of my stomach is feeling icky...

I had prewrote a post yesterday for today.  For those who know me have heard this conversation before... or you've had this conversation with me.

If you are going to remember one thing, everyone is the star of their own movie.  You're just a guest appearance in their story. If you look at that in the sense that everyone is a little self involved and that sometimes their reactions to something is reflection on their previous scenes you'll be alright interacting with those around you. I am trying to remember that I calm down my own inner dialog.

Advice I am trying to give myself... Take everyday with a grain of salt. Try to think of one thing a day that makes you feel grateful and can make me smile. The more you can smile, the better your outlook on life, and the better your life will be. 

Mood: Feeling Anxious... Not sure why but feeling like something is about to happen. Hopefully, it's not too bad. Maybe it's weather related... 

Weather: COLD!!! High 18/Low this morning -13

Goal for the Day:  Help someone. Make someone smile. 

Quote of the Day: